Career and Finance

  • Nowadays where all things can be bought by money, there will be no exaggeration if wealth starts giving importance to God. In the absence of money, the imagination of life seems too daunting. According to astrology, seeing the horoscope, it can be said that the sum of money is strong or not. The problem of not stopping the money is also a complex problem, the only solution for such funding problems is RIN MOCHAK MANGAL STOTRA PATH.

    Whenever the owner of the second and eleven house in a horoscope is weak or contaminated, such as Mars, Rahu or Ketu are in another house or their influence is on Chhath or outwardly home, then the problem of money in such a situation will continue to worsen throughout the ages.

    RIN MOCHAK MANGAL STOTRA PATH is done not only for wealth related problems but also for wealth, glory, happiness and prosperity.

    RIN MOCHAK MANGAL STOTRA PATH 101 + havan Rs 3100 / –
    RIN MOCHAK MANGAL STOTRA PATH 501 Lesson + Yagya Rs 7,100 / –
    RIN MOCHAK MANGAL STOTRA PATH 1100 Lesson + Yagya Rs 15,000 / –

  • Nowadays where all things can be bought by money, there will be no exaggeration if wealth starts giving importance to God. In the absence of money, the imagination of life seems too daunting. According to astrology, seeing the horoscope, it can be said that the sum of money is strong or not. The problem of not stopping money is also a complex problem, in such a wealth related problems, “SRI SUKT PATH” proves to be very effective.

    Whenever the owner of the second and eleven house in a horoscope is weak or contaminated, such as Mars, Rahu or Ketu are in another house or their influence is on Chhath or outwardly home, then the problem of money in such a situation will continue to worsen throughout the ages.

    “SRI SUKT PATH” is done not only for wealth related problems but also for wealth, glory, happiness and prosperity.

    SRI SUKT PATH 101 (Rs. 5,100 /-)
    SRI SUKT PATH 501 (Rs. 21000 / -)
    SRI SUKT PATH 1100 (Rs. 51000 / -)

  • Nowadays where all things can be bought by money, there will be no exaggeration if wealth starts giving importance to God. In the absence of money, the imagination of life seems too daunting. According to astrology, seeing the horoscope, it can be said that the sum of money is strong or not. The problem of not stopping the money is also a complex problem, the only solution for such funding problems is KANAK DHARA PATH.

    Whenever the owner of the second and eleven house in a horoscope is weak or contaminated, such as Mars, Rahu or Ketu are in another house or their influence is on Chhath or outwardly home, then the problem of money in such a situation will continue to worsen throughout the ages.

    KANAK DHARA PATH is done not only for wealth related problems but also for wealth, glory, happiness and prosperity.

    KANAK DHARA PATH 101 (Rs. 5,100/-)
    KANAK DHARA PATH 501 (Rs. 21000 / – )
    KANAK DHARA PATH 1100 (Rs. 51000 / – )

  • kuberNowadays where all things can be bought by money, there will be no exaggeration if wealth starts giving importance to God. In the absence of money, the imagination of life seems too daunting. According to astrology, seeing the horoscope, it can be said that the sum of money is strong or not. The problem of stopping the money is also a complex problem, the only solution to such funding problems is the “KUBER ANUSHTHAN”.

    Whenever the owner of the second and eleven house in a horoscope is weak or contaminated, such as Mars, Rahu or Ketu are in another house or their influence is on Chhath or outwardly home, then the problem of money in such a situation will continue to worsen throughout the ages.

    KUBER ANUSHTHAN is done not only for wealth related problems but also for wealth, glory, happiness and prosperity.

    In KUBER ANUSHTHAN, special attention is given to auspicious master, direction and havan samidha. Rituals are done by 3 pundits and me.

    All major rituals are completed in my care.

    Havan (one day) chant sloka 21000 + Haven Rs. 15,000 / –

    ANUSHTHAN (one-day) 56,610 Mantra chants + Havan Rs. 31,000 / –

    ANUSHTHAN (eight days) 1,38,750 Mantra chants + Havan Rs. 61,000 / –

  • lakshmipoojaIn this materialistic world  almost every thing comes through the Money only. So we say that money is not less than the God. In any Kundali when the Lord of 2nd house or The Lord of 11th house is weak, or the planet like Mars, Ketu, Rahu is posited in 2nd house or Malefic Effect on 12th or 6th house the financial problems take place. The person bound to struggle with financial Matters. Even if you are not struggling through the Money matter then even you should do this Anushthan to sustain the prosperity for a long time.

    In Vedic Mahalakshmi Anushthan we do Jap of Mahalakshmi, Recite Shri Sukta , Stuti & Yagya for the particular person , we also do Poojan of Shri Yantra which we give to the Person for whom we perform the Anushthan

    We always take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri to please the Maa Mahalakshmi.  It Includes 3 Pandits + Me

    All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Hawan  21,000 Mantra Jap +Hawan Rs. 15,000/-
    One Day Anushthan 56,610 Mantra Jap +Hawan Rs. 31,000/-
    Eight Days Anushthan 1,38,750 Mantra Jap +Hawan Rs. 61,000/-


  • Ganesh PujaGANESH ANUSHTHAN liberate the Jatak with many kinds of obstacles in life. If your work is being generated unintended obstacles, even after the hard work of the job, there is no progress, not walking in the business. All these situations are related to some kind of disorder and disruption. In such a way, the Vindhaharta GANESH ANUSHTHAN is best.

    Special attention is given to the auspicious master, direction and havan samidha in GANESH ANUSHTHAN so that the negative effects that fall in your life can be reduced more and more.

    All major rituals are completed in Jaideepji care.

    ANUSHTHAN (one day) 25,530 slok chants + Havan Rs. 12,500 / –

    ANUSHTHAN (eight days) 1,02120 slok chants + Havan Rs. 41000 / –