Navgrah Shanti

  • KetuKetu is the second most malefic planet after Rahu , it only gives positive result when it placed alone in 3rd, 10th , 11th and 12th house, where it gives quite good result.

    Apart from above mentioned places Ketu always give very negative result in any kundali.It gives very worse result in 5th and 8th house. It becomes more worse when its Mahadasha or antar dasha comes. It creates so much problem in education, career growth , children, married life etc depending which place it is affecting. It gives major accidents, almost all kind of severe road accidents take places in the influence of Ketu especially Brain Haemorrhage.

    In above such cases where Ketu is giving Negative result , The Vedic Ketu Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect.

    In Vedic Ketu Shanti Anushthan we do Jap of Its Mantra, Rudrabhishek , Stuti & Yagya for the particular person.We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who suppress the negative impact of Ketu Dosha.

    All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan             18,870 Mantra Jap +Hawan       Rs. 9100/-
    Eight Days Anushthan         75480 Mantra Jap +Hawan        Rs. 31,000/-

  • RahuRahu is the most malefic planet in all the planets , it only gives positive result when it placed alone in 3rd, 10th and 11th house, where it gives quite good result , but at the end it takes every things it has given. Apart from above mentioned places Rahu always give very negative result in any kundali. It becomes more worse when it Mahadasha or antar dasha comes. It creates so much problem in education, career growth , children, married life etc depending which place it is affecting.

    In above such cases where Rahu is giving Negative result , The Vedic Rahu Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect.

    In Vedic Rahu Shanti Anushthan we do Jap of Its Mantra, Rudrabhishek , Stuti & Yagya for the particular person.

    We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who supress the negative impact of Rahu Dosha. All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan             19,980 Mantra Jap +Hawan      Rs. 9100/-
    Eight Days Anushthan         79,920 Mantra Jap +Hawan      Rs. 31,000/-

  • shani-vedicIn any person’s kundali when Saturn gets Malefic either in Lagan Kundali or in Gochar it gives very negative results, The person suffering from the bad effect of Saturn always has lack of Money, Health, Happiness, it also gives accidents and disputes , bad Saturn is a major reason of imprisonment. Saturn gives negative reuslts when it is not in good position or when its period comes in the Enemies Lagna. For example in Mesha Lagna Kundali it gives very negative results in Lagna, in 6th house and in 8th house. Saturn also gives negative results with Moon where it creates “Vish Kumbh Yoga” , it always gives very negative effects along with Raahu.

    In above such cases where Shani is giving Negative result , The Vedic Shani Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect. In Vedic Shanti we do Jap of Its Mantras, Stuti & Yagya for the particular person. We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who please the Saturn.

    All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan            25530 Mantra Jap +Hawan            Rs. 12,500/-
    Eight Days Anushthan        1,02120 Mantra Jap +Hawan         Rs. 41,000/-

  • shukraPlace of Shukra or Venus in lagna Kundali indicates Love, beauty, harmony, spouse, lover, romance, marriage, partnership, refinement, style, elegance, charm, peace, joy, happiness, delight, fortune, good luck, purity, sincerity, honesty, gentleness, affection, kindness, sensitivity, attraction, luster, splendor, vanity, glamour etc. If Shukra or Venus is not posited in good position or debilitated it will give opposite results. Moreover badly positioned venus can also give lack of affection, little appreciation of beauty, ill-reputation, scandal, loss of conveyances and luxury items. Problems related to marriage, financial losses, lack of luxuries, love failures, problems to genetical organs etc.. are the significations of malefic Venus. In such cases where venus is giving Negative result , The Vedic Shukra Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect.

    In Vedic Shukra Shanti we do Jap of Its Mantras, Stuti & Yagya for the particular person. We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who please the Shukra. It Includes 2 Pandits + Me. All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan               22,200 Mantra Jap +Hawan      Rs. 11,000/-
    Eight Days Anushthan           88,800 Mantra Jap +Hawan      Rs. 35,000/-

  • brihaspatiJupiter in lagna Kundali indicates Health, wealth, wisdom, inclination towards religion, knowledge, relation with elder sibling, children, higher education, meditation, honour, merit, fame, virtue, truthfulness, morality, ethics, righteousness, law, justice, politics, optimism, , progress, etc.

    If Jupiter (Guru) is not posited in good position or debilitated it will give opposite results. A person will likely to become over optimistic, extravagant, careless. Interest in gambling may arise. Financial problems, progeny problems also disturb.

    Moreover badly positioned Jupiter (Guru) can also give misjudgment, misfortune, law suits, lack of compassion and give health problems related to liver, lower back pain. In such cases where Jupiter (Guru) is giving Negative result , The Vedic Guru Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect.

    In Vedic Guru Shanti we do Jap of Its Mantras, Stuti & Yagya for the particular person. We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who please the Guru ( Jupiter)

    All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan                         21090 Mantra Jap +Hawan       Rs. 9100/-
    Eight Days Anushthan                    84360 Mantra Jap +Hawan        Rs. 31,000/-

  • Budh-PujaMercury in lagna Kundali indicates education, memory power, nervous system, sense of humour, communication skills, career, business, sharp mind, grasping power, hand writing etc… If Mercury (Budh) is not posited in good position or debilitated it will give opposite results. Moreover badly positioned Mercury can also give break in education, loss of Memory power, communication gap with people, Business Losses, nervous disorder and suffer from blood pressure and sugar problem etc.

    In such cases where Budh (planet Mercury) is giving Negative result , The Vedic Budh Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect.

    In Vedic Budh Shanti we do Jap of Its Mantras, Stuti & Yagya for the particular person. We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who please the Budh (planet mercury).

    All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan                                      17000 Mantra Jap +Hawan         Rs. 9100/-
    Eight Days Anushthan                                  75480 Mantra Jap +Hawan         Rs. 31,000/-

  • mangalAstrologically Mars (Mangal) is a cruel planet. Place of Mangal or Mars in lagna Kundali indicates security, Manglik, Mangal Dosh, Insecurity, Stress, Marriage Problem. etc. If Mars (Mangal) is not posited in good position or debilitated it will give opposite results. Moreover badly positioned mars can also give Accident, Robbery, Attack, , Imprisonment or Crime. Mars also controls Aggression , Courage and Confidence and have strong impact on the matters related to Monetary, Property, Martial life, Accidents, Surgery, Relationship, Debts, Child and Health related problems.

    In such cases where Mars is giving Negative result , The Vedic Mangal Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect.

    In Vedic Mangal Shanti we do Jap of Its Mantras, Stuti & Yagya for the particular person.We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who please the Mangal.

    All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan                        11000 Mantra Jap +Hawan         Rs. 7100/-
    Eight Days Anushthan                    49840 Mantra Jap +Hawan        Rs. 21,000/-

  • moon_chandraFrom the place of the moon in the marriage horoscope, there is knowledge about the status of mind, relationship with the mother, feelings, sensations, moods, fantasies, foresight, eyes, love, safety, development, popularity, expenditure, sensitivity etc. The lowly moon is capable of giving opposite results such as mental imbalance, disqualification, delay, obstacles inability and depression etc. Corrupted Moon gives health related problems such as chest problems, mental stress, etc.

    Vedic moon peace ritual is the only remedy for reducing the bad effects of low moon or bad moon.

    Chandra Mantra is chanting, chanting and sacrificing Chandra Mantra. Special attention is given to the auspicious master, direction and havan samidha in the Vedic moon peace ceremony, so that the negative effects of the corrupted moon can be reduced more and more.

    Anushthaan (One Day) 11000 mantr jap +havan Rs. 7100/-
    Anushthaan (Eight Day) 49840 mantr jap +havan Rs. 21000/-

  • surya-mantraPlace of Sun in lagna Kundali signifies position, status , personality, relation & support from father and higher authorities. If sun is not posited in good position or debilitated it will give opposite results. Moreover badly positioned sun can also affect health, headache, problem related to eyes, fever are few of them. In above such cases where Sun is giving Negative result , The Vedic Surya Shanti Anushthan is the most effective way to reduce its effect.

    In Vedic Surya Shanti we do Jap of Its Mantras, Stuti & Yagya for the particular person.

    We also take care of auspicious Muhurt, Direction, Havan Samidha and Samagri who please the Sun.

    It Includes 2 Pandits + Me

    All Major Karma done under my guideline.

    One Day Anushthan           7100 Mantra Jap +Hawan      Rs. 5100/-
    Eight Days Anushthan       31080Mantra Jap +Hawan    Rs. 15000/-