
  • Hari Om Sai Ram ,
    Vaastu Remedies can and should be seen according to one’s birth chart and not thru bookish knowledge only , as many people practice today.
    1. Beds with no in built storages are best .
    2. If the beds have storage facility, then only keep bed sheet’s clothing,  etc.
    3. Never ever keep Iron things, electronics, knives, slippers, brooms  etc in the bed storage or under it .
    4. If bed is alleviated , please clean at least with a broom everyday , no spider webs dirt  etc. should be there .
    5. Please paint your bedroom walls in light shades, like pink, light green, cream, white, please avoid any dark colors in the bedrooms.
    6. Never ever put a mirror in the bedroom, if you have one , please avoid your feet facing the mirror.
    7. Please avoid Tv and other electronics gadgets like mobiles etc. in the bedroom, if Tv is there please try and keep it atleast  10  feet away.
    8. Please do not keep any Mandir or Dustbins In the bedrooms.
    8. Try and light some scented candles or mild agarbatti, or spray a mild  room freshener in the bedroom, best to do daily or atleast once a week.
    9. Mopping the floor, please try and put sea salt mixed water , everyday , or least twice a week. It will ward away the negative energy’s.
    10. Keep the door closed after use , of attached or any  bathrooms at home .
    11. It’s very important that no torn bed sheets , pillow cover , should be used .
    12. Never ever eat food on bed ,many people , now a days rat on bed , ( some even lying down ) ,  watching TV or mobile on bed . Unknowingly one is calling bad negativity of Shani ji/ Saturn on himself .
    Practicing these simple things in everyday life , will make one’s own sleep and  life  peaceful .
    Good Sleep Quality Leads To A Strong Working Memory , Suggests A Study .
    The Study Was Published In  Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society .
    Hari Om Sai Ram
    For Personalized Readings And Consultantations , Please contact Dr.Jaideep Ji  :
    +91 9870330444 (voice calls only)
    +91 9870377044 (whatsapp only )
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  • Hari Om Sai Ram ,


    Vaastu Remedies can and should be seen according to one’s birth chart and not thru bookish knowledge only ,as many people are  practicing today.
    1. Direction: Understanding the directions of bedroom,is very important ,  best is south west area of the house, next best is west side and north west.
    2. Its bad having bedroom in north east, and south east, if possible please avoid.
    3. Sleeping Position:
    The head/pillow ,  while sleeping , should be on the south side or east side, never keep your head towards north, which will create health and peace issues.
    Head facing west side is good for the guest room.
    4.Never keep too many pillows on bed while sleeping , some have habit of keeping under legs , arms , such houses people will have understanding issues amongst them .
    5. Always make your bed of wood ,
    Iron and other metals must be avoided.
    6. Beds should always be in Proper Square or Rectangular shape .
    7. Avoid having circular bed, there will be no peace in life, obstacles will increase in life in due course of time .
    (Post will Be Continued)
    For personalized readings and consultanions on exact remedies , please contact :
    +91 9870330444 (voice call only )
    +91 9870377044 (whatsapp only)
    For more such updates and daily life topics , please visit our website and Facebook page :
  • Hari Om Sai Ram ,
    Vaastu remedies can and should be seen according to one’s birth chart and not through bookish knowledge only , as many people practice today.
    Please consult a qualified Astrologer before following as below mentioned are general tips /remedies for making daily life easy.
    Like for the house, bathroom, drawing room, kitchen , the aspects of Vaastu are different.
    1. Bedrooms – It’s the place where we sleep, rest, and get peaceful sleep , rejuvenating our body and mind.
    2.  The Happiness and peacefulness of the house are governed by the bedroom.
    3. Jyotish wise, comfort, peace of mind is governed by Venus (Shukra) and Moon (Chandrama) hence Shukra and Chandrama have a direct connection with the bedroom.
    Saturn (Shani) is also connected with the bedroom as this planet governs sleep (with the hypnotic enzyme).
    4. Vaastu of the bedroom if disturbed, the natives staying in the house will have arguments and disturbed mind.
    5. Husband and wife’s relationship will get badly affected to the extent of separation, creating a disturbing martial and family life,
    Hence always keep Vaastu of bedroom correct, so that peace prevails at home
    (Post-series will continue )
    Hari Om Sai Ram
    For personalised readings and consultations on exact remedies, please contact /fix up appointment with
    Dr. Jaideep Masand, at
    +91 9870330444
    Whatsapp us at
    +91 9870377044
    For more such updates and daily life topics, please visit our website and like Facebook page :