Hari Om Sai Ram ,
Timing of Modi ji swearing in as PM was 7 pm , when positions of Rahu And Mars Mangal show , he will excel in his foreign policies .He will be aggressive with anyone having bad eye on Hindustan , giving daring reply .
Since at swearing in time , planets Shani/ Saturn And Jupiter /Guru were retrograde , in coming times , he may find difficulties in some internal issues , but will be able to overcome . Public in general , will be satisfied , with some ups and downs , after all time / waqt keeps changing , with planetary changes . Many reforms will be done in benefit of our country , some may be tough one’s . Overall will be his best Tenure as PM .
God Helps Those , Who Help Themselves .
(One Should Build “Good Karma Balance , In Karma Bank” , which actually is helpful for future and provides every thing in life )
God Bless Hindustan
Hari Om Sai Ram
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