Aries / Mesh
This is quite a fortunate period for you where in you shall see your long awaited wishes as well as dreams coming to life. Your inclination towards virtuous pursuits might be on it’s way up, while your philanthropic nature shall take care of the rest. For your father as well, this could turn out to be quite a prosperous spell. While you could also get some sort of financial benefits from your spouse.Sudden profits are possible
Remedy: Donate 7 cereals on Saturday, before 12 noon.Gur and wheat daan on sundays .
Taurus / Vrishabh
You could be facing unhappiness in your domestic life. You are on the verge of making a critical decision, whether or not you should be selling or buying a property. Although you would have everything at your disposal, yet you could suffer from lack of contentment. You could be a little icky at times while some might find your tone to be on the harsher side so, keep this thing at the back of your head & act accordingly. Monetary benefits for spouse is strongly indicated in the cards along with monetary gains for you as well. Parents health might dwindle.Take care of your eyes , bones , change in job possible ,
Remedy: Donate wheat. Try and keep fast on sundays .
Gemini / Mithun
You determination shall increase and this increase is going to be a sizeable one. You could also be headed on a long & satiating journey. Your inclination towards sacred deeds could also see a sharp rise, while your philanthropic nature shall open all the closed doors for you. But, beware from false allegations as some people might try to wrongfully accuse you of something. Some tiffs with father could also happen. Luck will be very much in your favour & that should be showing very soon. You could gain a fortune through the right efforts and government sector. Fruitful travel possible , growth in work .
Remedy: Offer water to Lord Surya and chant surya mantra daily.
Cancer / Kark
The period of the transit would make things a little gloomy for you. You’ll probably face minor health issues in this period. Finance would give you a run for your money, quite literally. Mental stress and agony would bother you. Some cumbersome issues at hand will take make you realise the importance of time. This period might get you stuck in some scam]ndal of sorts which will prove to be hazardous for you. Your image and substance stays in your hands. So take extra care while handling them. You might be spiritually inclined in this duration and would love to explore. Expenses are expected to rise in this duration. You’re advised to stay away from scams and shady stuff. Take care of marital relationship , accidents ,
Remedy: Serve and respect your father. Wear coper , and keep fast on sundays .
Leo / Singh
The transit of Sun in Aquarius zodiac would bring devotion in your relationship. You’ll be in love with your partner, but sudden anger pangs might erupt some issues. Aggression might increase in this duration. You’ll have to work hard to achieve your desired results. At vocation, your status would increase. You’ll receive the love and support of all. Your aspirations towards life are high, due to which you tend to misjudge some situations and take impulsive actions. Refrain from doing that. Workplace will be your battlefield in this duration. You’ll move heaven and earth to get the best results. This period might interest you into going for a partnership. But, due to unfavorable planetary positions, you are advised to stay away from it. Take care of marital life .
Remedy: Donate blankets on a saturday to the needy. Gayatri mantra jaap daily early morning .
Virgo / Kanya
The period of the Sun Transit would harbinger good things in your life. You’ll be in a joyous mood. Long journeys are possible in this period. Things which require efforts will lure you and you’ll get attached to work easily. Those stuck in a law and order dispute would find solace, as their case will come to a rest. You’ll get great results at work and chances are that you’ll enjoy every work that you become a part of. You’ll be a workaholic in nature, but with a domineering nature. Abstain from having a pessimistic outlook towards life. Enjoy the little things life has to offer, the way they come at you. Take things slow and relish every detail. Health needs to be taken care of you and your spouse. Minor headache and fever might hamper your slumber. Take care of yourself and of the people around you.Children may give some worries , take care of anger and speech / vaani
Remedy: Serve a cow daily. Offer jal to surya daily weary important
Libra / Tula
Income would increase this Transit. Due to Sun’s progression towards Aquarius, you’ll become more witty. Your intellect would touch new heights, due to this you’ll have plenty of people vouching for you and your intellectual prowess. Your love life might get affected; some misunderstandings in love life might sour your mood and that of your partner. Keep transparency in your relationship and maintain your relations clear. Understand your partner, and their requirements. Children’s health might dwindle. You’ll have to take every step with extra precaution. Your lack of concentration would make matters worse, when it comes to education. Try to keep a tab on your nerves and abstain from acting on impulse. Some relief would come in your life through your siblings. You can expect some financial benefits from them. Take care of abdominal digestion , urine problems .
Remedy: Perform Surya Namaskar daily before 8 am. Must do Surya tantric mantra jaap every morning
Scorpio / Vrishchik
The time looks average for you this Sun Transit. You’ll be faced with a dilemma in almost every situation that you face. At the domestic front, you’ll have to take some important decisions, that’ll take huge efforts from your side. A lot of gray areas will grace your life. You won’t be able to make up your mind about things, which will make you sit in the dark sometimes. Glory at workplace is probable, due to all your previous toils. You might get yourself tangled in people’s opinions and views, which could get you stuck somewhere. Think through before reaching a conclusion. Mother’s health might decline in this duration. Spouse will get glory at their workplace.
Remedy: Offer water on Shivling and offer haldi mixed jal to Surya , in this duration.
Sagittarius / Dhanu
The Sun Transit in Aquarius will be the harbinger of focus and determination in your life. You’ll be focused on achieving your aim and fulfilling your dreams. Your younger siblings might face some problems during this time. It’s advised that you take proper precautions that they do not go off track. A long / short trip is on the fortune for you. You might consider taking an off to spend time with family and working on family bonding. Decide and plan beforehand so that nothing goes wrong. You’ll be involved in spiritual and virtuous deeds in this period. Philanthropy and charity would interest you and you’ll get glory due to this. Your deeds would earn you fame and recognition. You’ll be fortunate enough to befriend some brilliant people in this period. You may get recognition for your work .
Remedy: Worship the ancestors (pitra) of your family. Avoid black color .Respect elderly people .
Capricorn / Makar
The Sun Transit would bring in unexpected gains for you. You’ll be in for a treat as good news from every corner would grace your ears. Benefits from your in- laws are also a probability. You’ll be inclined towards searching answers to everything; spirituality would interest you in this period.Sudden profits / gains possible .Take care of indues . Your curious nature would give you an eye for the detail and you’ll be pleased to see that everything that you become a part of turns into a success. Your family might not understand your persona, due to which some issues are probable. Keep tabs on your anger. Understand that everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint and you can’t change how the world sees. Be good and believe in philanthropy. You’ll be great at your vocation. Your speech could turn a little sour for some, but try to mellow it down. The period advises you to abstain from defamation.
Remedy: Help blind on Sundays. Read/hear aditya hridya stotra daily once .
Aquarius / Kumbh
Transit of Sun in your sign would turn out to be the sign of good time coming in your life. Your spouse will be devoted towards you; there will be transparency in your relationship. Due to all the efforts you’ve been investing in your relationship, it’ll grow day by day with love and will blossom into something very beautiful. For those in a partnership business, your partner will become your confidant, more than just a partner. The period advises you to take care of your health, as headache , eyes , and fever might bother you in this period. Inflammation could also hamper your growth. This duration would make you a better human being, you’ll understand and look at the world in a different light. This might make you cut your ties from all the negativity in your life. Do not let this hamper you from going out and having fun. Go out and have fun. Explore the wilderness and grow with it. Do not participate in any unhealthy discussions in this duration. Your aggression might increase. But, due to your determination you’ll be able to achieve great heights.
Remedy: Light a diya under Peepal ji tree on Saturday. Daily offer jal mixed with roll , to Surya .
Pisces / Meen
The transit will harbinger great times in your life. You’ll be in high spirits as Sun transits in Aquarius. At the professional front, your determination would be at its peak. You’ll work with brilliancy, going hand in hand with your seniors and colleagues. People involved in Govt. jobs will certainly get a good news in this period, think and take decision. And others, will perhaps get a promotion or a position deserving their worth. You might consider taking a loan in this period, to support your comfort living. The time advises you to take proper precautions, as your mother’s health might dwindle. This period warns you about an increase in your ego. You might get stubborn and over confident in your approach. But, yours toils would be enough to reap you benefits. Due to all the past efforts you’ll have no issues in experiencing a joyous time in this duration.Keep anger and tension at bay .
Remedy: Apply saffron tilak on your forehead daily , and offer roll mixed water to Surya daily early morning .
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