Mahashivratri means new beginning and this day holds the power to settle all of your dark elements in your chart and life, this was also the day of origin of all the 12 jyotirlingas.
This is the best time to enhance our Atmakaraka
(planet with highest degree in our Natal chart)
17/02/2023 evening till 18/02/2023 08.08 pm .
There are 4 auspicious time intervals for doing the Puja on 18th/19th Feb 2023,
Mahashivratri Parayan
1st Prahar puja – 6:13 pm to 9:24 pm (18th feb)
2nd. Prahar Puja – 9:24 pm to 12:35 am (18th & 19th Feb)
3rd Prahar puja -12:35 am to 03:40 am (19th feb)
4th Prahar Puja – 03:40 am to 6:56 am (19th feb)
Astrologically 3,6,9 and 12 moon signs are Dagdha rashi’s I e. (won’t perform fully)
Also, Saturn and Sun are also closely conjunct during the ongoing time till approximately mid-March 2023. Saturn is also in combustion on this day. Seeing all other aspects as well.
Here are 8 things you can try & do during this time:
1. Keep a fast on 18th, best is no water and no food, but do what your health allows,
fruits, water are permitted
2. Do at least 3 and maximum 7 malas of “Om Namah Shivaay” in the morning and evening and continue this routine till next Mahashivratri.
On the 18th of February evening after bathing, sit in front of Shivling ji, take some water in hand then tell your name, gotra (ancestral lineage), and your birth day’s panchang day and take a oath to do the above mantra till the next mahashivratri daily and then pour the water in front of Shivling ji.
3. Do one mala of all the 12 jyotirling name, chant 1 name for 108 times then do the same for all the 12 names .
4. Sit post 08:08 pm on 18th February 2023, and do the shiva mantra jap for the whole night till 4 am or whatever time frame is within your capacity.
5. Rice milk jaggery or sugar Kheer ka daan In evening of Mahashivratri and every Shivratri monthly
6. You can offer 1 Tbsp milk, few drops of honey, curd, black / white sesame seeds, haldi, 3 pieces elaichi, 3 clove, ganga jal, jaayaphal(nutmeg), kamal gatte(lotus seed), dhatoora, bel patra, chandan, pan, suparee, akshat(rice), vastr(white cloth), rolee(red thread), maulee(sacred thread), ganne ka ras(sugarcane juice), Gud (jaggery), 1 janaeyu & flowers (anything apart from ketaki flower), one drop of mustard oil, coconut, fruit according to your moon sign, one coin,
on shivling in temple. Light ghee diya , Dhoop nearby in temple. Offer on Shivling ji.
7. Chanting the beej mantra, Mahamrityunjay complete mantra, Shiv ji Gayatri Mantra, or 12 jyotirlinga mantra will also be fruitful
Beej Mantra:
Om haum Joom Saha
12 jyotirling mantra:
सौराष्ट्रे सोमनाथं च श्रीशैले मल्लिकार्जुनम्।
उज्जयिन्यां महाकालमोंकारंममलेश्वरम्॥
परल्यां वैद्यनाथं च डाकिन्यां भीमशंकरम्।
सेतुबन्धे तु रामेशं नागेशं दारुकावने॥
वाराणस्यां तु विश्वेशं त्र्यम्बकं गौतमीतटे।
हिमालये तु केदारं घुश्मेशं च शिवालये॥
Performing all the above will bring out all the good karma, and luck you have and materialize in the present. Please do whatever possible with antarman, inner self, and peaceful mind and patience.
At the very least offer lots of jal (water) in name of ancestors and also offer water with any vegetarian food to any number of unknown needy people, ants, cows, crows, dogs.
Shivratri, Janmashtmi ratri, Kaal ratri (7th night of navratri), Moh ratri deepawali night
Anyone who does puja upasana, on these 4 ratris attains peaceful future, cleans past life pending bad karma, may move towards moksha
A very healthy and peaceful future for you all , such is my prayer to Ardhnarishwar ji .
My Puja hawan begins for all tonight and tomorrow night .
Hari Om Sai Ram
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