With the onset of 2016, we will witness Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. After staying in their present signs till January 31, Rahu will move into Singh / Leo, while Ketu will transit into Kumbh / Aquarius for approximately eighteen months from January end 2016.
Beginning of every year is the perfect time to pre-plan all our actions that we are going to or planning to take. With this very thought, Bhaiya ji tells possibilities of events for people born under all moon signs.Turn this year into success and prosperity by following the helpful remedies suggested by Bhaiyaji. Prior knowledge , good bad , dates of every month which you need to keep in mind,Bhaiyaji discusses them all. But, before stepping into these predictions, let us tell you that all these predictions are completely Astrological and General Rashi wise, ( not based on any ones individual birth chart).
Family Life:
Ups & downs will surround your family life in 2016. Seventh house seems under partial “Paap Kartari Yoga”, making you act careful and calm. One thing that separates Arians from people of other signs is their habit of getting angry suddenly and having no regret about it even later. However, this thing will not go well with your conjugal life. Serious efforts from your side are must to keep things going good between you two. Though you will share great chemistry with your mother during the most part of the year, things might turn sour when Moon will move into Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. Destiny house reveals unfavorable bonding with your father. Something within you will provoke you to go against him. Try to work on this and don’t allow this thing develop in your nature. It seems that you are in no mood to coordinate well with anybody, as your rapport with your children also looks disturbing. Health of your children will also get affected. Obesity seems attacking them. Keep an eye on it, as a fat body is an open invitation to serious health issues.
Health Life:
More than half of this year or you can say till August, a healthy and disease free body will be enjoyed by you. Live life the way you want, as there won’t be any physical or mental dilemma. It’s not that minor issues will not affect, it’s just that you will recover in minimum time. Now that’s something which happens with all and should not be worried for. If taken a deeper look into your future, you might get hit by complications related to stomach, indigestion, sexual problems, pain in joints and lower region of body. With the end of season, an increase in the level of these troubles might increase. While you have spent more than half of this year quite actively, it would be good to get serious regarding your health in this phase. Taking these valuable ors for light might take you on hospital bed.
Financial Life
Finances are our vital assets and the results of our hard work plus dedication. Why take any kind of risk then? Make sure not to get involved in share market this year. Everything that attracts you to make money in short time needs to be avoided. Don’t invest money anywhere without thinking carefully. Sooner or later you will realize that 2016 is all about saving and not spending unnecessarily. However, improvement will come after August and your account balance will rise up smartly. But, it doesn’t means to start spending with eyes closed. Even then you need to stay away from matters related to share market. If going through Mahadasha or Antardasha of either Saturn or Rahu, you got to be extremely careful.
Professional Life
For you Arians, tenth house lord is posited in eighth house. Not only this, but it is your eleventh house lord as well. This house, i.e. eleventh house, will get occupied by Ketu. Accomplish your endeavors without laziness and any delay. Going with this attitude, you will cherish your every desire; however, they might get delayed. One good thing you can do this time is not getting disappointment and move forward toward your goals. As soon as August will end, your troubles will also fade away and you will experience betterment. Till this month, Sagittarius will be aspected by Jupiter. After analyzing your future planets closely, it can be concluded that Jupiter is in conjunction with Rahu too. Owing to all this, it is uncertain to predict when luck will stand by you and when it will go against you. Believe your hard work and potential, as nothing will help more.
Business Life
Mixed results will come to businessmen this year. Give your mind a break, as your plan of setting up new business seems getting delay for no reasons. Useless issues will serve as hurdles and you will feel upset because of this. Every cloud has a silver lining; hence, your endeavors will start progressing unexpectedly, making you enjoy a sigh of relief. Money will come without any pause or break. But some losses might show their head if you belong to the field of finance. Keep calm and take every financial matter cautiously to stay away from bearing any consequences. This unfavorability will end with the end of August and you can expect improvement. Still, don’t get over excited and keep a close look at your financial records.
Love Life
Sorry to say Arians, but this year is not at all meant for love and romance. Though you might get involved in difficult relationships during this time. While other areas of your life will pick up speed of betterment from August, things in love look opposite. Anger will develop frequently and more than usual. However, you may spoil your bond very badly, if you continue this behavior.
Sex Life
2016 will bring hectic schedule and mental stress more than you will expect. Hence, sexual fantasies will not excite you. Male Arians might feel weak or unfit either due to mental stress, busy life and a will to fulfill unnatural wishes. To enjoy your sexual life without any problem, concentrate on your partner only. Spend every special moment with him/her and do not think about anyone else.
Dates you need to be careful on
March 14 to April 14, September 1 to October 10 and November 16 to December 28.
Mars is the lord of your ascendant / lagan ; hence, reciting Hanuman Chalisa thrice a day is very much important. If possible, regularly recite Kanakdhara Stotra and Shree Sukt as well. To usher in goodness and positive aura, make sure to keep your home and surroundings clean. Don’t let any trash accumulate.
Before discussing your fate Taurians , Bhaiyaji tells you to take a look at the planetary positions for you in 2016. Saturn will reside in Scorpio and Jupiter will move into Leo. After being in their present signs till January 31, Rahu will transit into Leo; whereas, Ketu will move into Aquarius. Reading this horoscope prediction for year 2016 will let you know about your future possibilities and ways to deal with respective ups & downs. Not only this, but here you will get to know about those dates as well that need to be spend very carefully.
Family Life
Cordiality and affection will strengthen your bond with family members. Listen to what they suggest and you will enjoy life at its best. Going against them might invite some troubles for you. However, there is nothing major to worry about. Saturn is posited in your seventh house, which is Yoga Karaka for you. As per beliefs, this sort of Saturn is hurdle, but fortunately nothing extreme will happen.Unfavorable bonding with mother is possible. Make sure you behave well with her and take care of her health, as she might get affected by some health issue. While bonding with your mother needs to be taken care of, you will share great chemistry with your father. This year is going to be a bliss for him. Just like you, your spouse will also share great bonding with your father, but not with your mother. A piece of advice for you is to coordinate well with your mother and suggest the same to your spouse as well. Why keep grudges when it’s all about family.
Health Life
Usually, Taureans are blessed with a disease free body. This very trait will continue this year as well and you will have a healthy physique and stress free mind. Some of you might notice an increase in their weight, which you need to keep a check on. Spicy and oily delicacies will fill your dining table more than usual, after August. Staying away from such ravishing dishes is definitely not possible; still, you can have a control on their quantity. Be active, be energetic and keep yourself away from fatigue. Talking about health issues which might bother you this year, you are likely to suffer from problem in stomach, intestines, and joints. Besides this, headache and pain in eyes are also seen on your future cards. Instead of getting panic over these, try to practice Yoga regularly.
Financial Life
Time for party Taureans, as finances look blooming this year. This stability will increase further, after August. Money will reach you from more than one source. Shares will increase your finances more, but only after August. Before that, don’t expect anything from this area. Expenses need to be kept in control and emotions need to be taken care of. Don’t let emotional feelings overpower you. No matter how much you expect, you are going to fetch money more than your expectations. Nothing to worry about, live life king size.
Professional Life
Not a great year for you, if you are into service. Strategies will be planned against you by your opponents. Allegations will be put on you sometimes without any reason. Useless blames might take you in problems and negative situations. Keep your ears and eyes open, else things could go adverse and beyond your hands. Taureans, don’t spoil your relation with seniors till you get any other job, as troubles between you two might provoke you to leave your job. For natives associated with government job, percentage of harm is more; hence, be as much cautious as you can.
Business Life:
Natives who are into business will reap beneficial results this year. If you are business partner with your spouse, extreme profits are assured coming your way. However, you might become the victim of frauds and betrayals; hence, keep your eyes and ears open when it comes to financial matters. Taureans who lend money on interest need to be very cautious, as things are not in your favor till August. Once this month goes away, you can surely expect prosperity and luck knocking your door. Whether or not you face hurdles, your pocket won’t ever go empty this year.
Love Life
2016 is outstanding for love and romance. Special moments will be spent with your sweetheart and you will spend quality time together. Things might not go that god initially, but everything will get better with time. However, real charm and essence of love will fill your life after August. Don’t doubt your lover/spouse when Mercury is combust or transits in Leo or Aquarius. This is also that time when you should avoid getting angry from him/her. Control your behavior and actions on time, else you will spoil a beautiful relation.But if you indulge in any extra marital affairs / with married person , watch out you are in big trouble .
Sex Life
Sexual desires will overpower you to a great extent in 2016. Throughout this year, you will enjoy really intense chemistry and pleasure with your partner. Talking about married Taureans, a sort of dissatisfaction or intimacy will lie in your sexual life. You will not enjoy with your spouse and this might provoke you to get intimate with others. As a result, 2016 will bring a rise in your illegal affairs. Believe it or not, sexual fantasies are going to hit you a lot.
Dates you need to be careful on
When Moon slides into Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius or Aries; keep a check on your behavior and moral values. Try not to take any major decisions in this time period. On the other hand, when Mars enters Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo, you need to be calm. From March 19 till April 3 and again from September 12 till October 10, avoid taking decisions related to family and financial matters.
Self control has always been the best remedy, but it is not possible to be followed by everyone. Therefore, if you are going through Saturn’s Mahadasha or Antardasha, recite Dashrath Krit Shani Stotra and Hanuman Chalisa. On the other hand, if going through Jupiter’s Mahadasha or Antardasha, recite Beej Mantras of Guru/Jupiter. Wear pearl and keep fast on Thursday. For natives suffering from Rahu or Ketu’s Dasha or Antardasha, recite Devi Kavach and Maa Durga Saptshati thrice a day will help. If possible, try to get these books from Gitapress, Gorakhpur.
2016 will begin with Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. After residing in their current signs till January 31, Rahu will move into Leo and Ketu will shift into Aquarius. Take a quick look into the possibilities of 2016, along with some really helpful remedies given by Bhaiyaji. Give a reading to these astrological predictions and unveil the dates when caution is required. Let’s begin exploring your fate now.
Family Life
This year, you will share cordial bond with your life partner. Minor tiffs are normal and important to nurture every relation. Hence, don’t panic, if such things happen between you. Most of this year will be spent in cherishing golden moments together. Value your partner’s ideas, as it will help you a lot throughout this year. Coming to your relation with your mother, it will strengthen cordially. After August, significant improvement will be seen in your health. However, difference of opinion is possible with father. But, he will get appreciable success in his job or business. Dispute of your spouse is strongly possible with your siblings and family members.
Health Life
Health might trouble you this year; hence, you got to be very careful toward it. Analyze your daily eating habits closely. If going through Mahadasha or Antardasha of Saturn, be very careful this year. Shoulders, genital organs, throat, and liver are the body areas, which might give you some issues. For every problem, comes a solution. Regular Yoga and healthy diet will serve as your protective weapons. Add them in your daily regime and say no to diseases to a great extent. Backache might also make you uncomfortable.
Financial Life
This year is not yours in terms of finances. Well, this doesn’t means that losses will trouble you for sure. Ups & downs are part of everyone’s life. Work sincerely at workfront and you will have continuous income. To accumulate money, you can opt for other ways too. One of the ways is gaining control on your expenses. Spend only when needed and after thinking wisely. While following these suggestions will help you in raising funds, being careless will take you close to the web of debt. If looking forward to buy anything expensive, make sure to pay the complete amount in cash.
Professional Life
Working from early morning till late evening is really hectic and exhausting. But, things will change and you will reap goodness in your job after August. Your hard work and dedication will be admired prior to this month as well. Your communication skills will be loved by all. With the jolly nature and humor you are born with, you will charm everyone around. However, you need to stop yourself from blaming anybody in the flow of your ego. This year will open doors of success for natives belonging to media. Other then these professionals, 2016 is rewarding for people of IT and engineering too. Abundant success will enter your life this year. Leave every tension and enjoy this beautiful phase of life.
Business Life
Smile as much as you can because this year is extremely rewarding for all the businessmen. Benefits more than you can imagine are foreseen entering your life. However, your alternate to make money will be illegal, yet successful. Income will knock your door from more than one source. If you lend money on interest rate, it won’t be wrong to expect some really extreme profits. Besides this, those who are into business related to education or such field will also welcome rewards in their life. Same predictions are assured for natives who are masters of law, i.e. the lawyers.
Love Life
By nature, you people are very romantic. Reason behind this trait is Venus, lord of your fifth house. You will welcome significant profits in this field. You do not feel concentrated on a particular thing for long. However, this thing needs to be discarded in order to enjoy success in long run. 2016 will not give you any reason to worry for and will everything you will feel lucky about. Love life will go wonderful, get ready to enjoy its best side.
Sex Life
Sexual desires are something that always go on your mind. However, more than physically, you enjoy these fantasies mentally. Same thing will happen this year too and you will not feel that blissful. If we talk about real life, these things hold immense importance in real life and thus, try to live these feelings not only mentally, but physically as well. Last but not the least, marital bond might put you in some sort of trouble.
Dates you need to be careful on
Looking at your destiny cards, it is suggested not to take any major decision when Moon transits in Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn. Follow this advice from April 30 to July 16. This should be your strategy from August 25 to September 19 as well. Your anger needs to be controlled when Sun occupies Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This is the time to keep arguments out of your life.
Being focused toward your target is the best remedy you can adopt. Other than this, refrain from taking any decision on the dates mentioned above. If going through Saturn’s Mahadasha, recitIng Hanuman Chalisa will help. Whereas, if going through Mahadasha of Jupiter, offering half kilograms of raw Chana Dal to any cow on Thursday will do wonders for your luck. Donating yellow things will increase your fortune further. Recite Devi Kavach if troubled by Mahadasha of Rahu or Ketu. Visiting Kaal Bhairav temple and doing charity will also help tremendously. Recite Vishnu Sahastra regularly, if experiencing any other problem.
This New Year, i.e. 2016, will begin with Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. Rahu will move into Leo and Aquarius in Ketu, after being in their present signs. How to tackle with the problems if this year? Which dates are not favorable for your sign? Which remedies will pull you out from the difficult situations? Get answer to all such questions with the horoscope predictions explained here by Bhaiyaji .
Family Life
We bring you Cancer horoscope 2016 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. Saturn is Moon’s favorite enemy, as per vedic jyotish. This is one of the prime reasons, as to why your married life is not that blissful mostly. Problems are possible in domestic life due to family members and not because of your spouse. Your chemistry will be harmonious with your life partner. However, differences are possible with family members. Things might go extremely wrong after August. All this clearly states that while you will have good moments with your sweetheart, tiffs might happen with other members of family. Conjugal life will flourish more beautifully, after August.
Health Life
Looking at your health stars, it seems that you might get issues in eyes, stomach, thighs, foodpipe, and nerves. You might eat contaminated food. To deal with minor health ailments, it would be good to take the help of Ayurvedic treatment. On the other hand, if any major issue is there, it would be good to look for other alternatives. Regular intake of 1 spoon of Neem powder with warm water will keep you away from many problems.
Financial Life
Rahu is going to reside in your second house for long. Jupiter will move into the next sign in the month of August. Both these reasons will compel you to remain very careful regarding your finances. Avoid getting attracted by sugar coated words and lending money to anyone, as strategies are possible against you. Good thing about this year is strong possibility of getting wealth profits; hence, you need not to worry. However, your very own actions and deeds might lead to wealth loss. Act carefully, else you will lose everything you will earn.
Professional Life
2016 is your year to earn prestige and success in job. Sixth house lord will aspect sixth as well as tenth house. Its conjunction with Rahu might invite minor troubles for you. No need to panic please, as you will conquer all. Arguments are possible with juniors, be careful. Time is good to look out for new job or switch it, if you have any other in hand. Some of you will get blessed by promotion.
Business Life
Abundant profits will enter the lives of businessmen born under this sign. Whatever business you own, name and benefits are assured in it. Your competitors will try to copy you, but will fail badly. Your success Mantra in this phase is keeping control on your ego and reaping maximum profits in this time. Cancerians going through Mahadasha of Jupiter will cherish jackpot filled with progress and prosperity. Benefits will come to others as well, but not that much.
Love Life
For matters of heart, this year is great for you Cancerians. Stars predict you falling for someone much older than you. Besides this, inter caste love affair is also very much possible. Most of the times, your relations don’t survive for long and get over soon. Do you know the reason for this? It’s because Saturn is lord of your eighth house, which directly or indirectly affects your bond. However, don’t think about it now and keep giving your best efforts in your current relationship.
Sex Life
Ketu’s transit in your eighth house is expected to bring complications in the genital organs of males. For women, it will lead to problems related to menstrual cycle. This aspect doesn’t looks that blissful and you might take interest in establishing relationship outside your marriage as well. As a result of this affair, you might get attacked by some disease. Sexual desires will rise at their peak and will make you restless. However, avoid going on the wrong path to get such pleasure.
Dates you need to be careful on:
Investments need to be avoided from April 17 to June 29. Keep good relations with friends and authorities from July 15 to September 6. These are the dates that need to be handled carefully while associating with such people. Transition of Moon into Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Gemini is the duration that needs to be dealt calmly. Do not take sudden actions.
Cancerians going through Mahadasha of Saturn should chant Hanuman Chalisa. Fast should be observed in case you are suffering from Mahadasha of Jupiter. More goodness can be fetched by donating clothes and money to a Brahmin on Thursday. Chant Devi Kavach thrice a day, in case going through Mahadasha of Rahu or Ketu.
Saturn will move into Scorpio and Jupiter will shift in Leo. After being in their own signs till January 31, Rahu will move in Leo and Ketu will go in Aquarius. Begin this year with knowledge of all the incidents possible in your life, along with some really great remedies given by Bhaiyaji. Besides this, also get to know the dates when to take or not to take any major decisions. Want to know how? Here are your astrological readings by Bhaiyaji.
Family Life
We bring you Leo horoscope 2016 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. This sign is one among those who are very much fortunate in 2016. Though some ups & downs will pop up, but they won’t stop you from enjoying this year. Things will remain pleasant with spouse. Rahu in Leo might separate you and your better-half for sometime, but nothing major will happen. You will have healthy conversation with your father; however, differences are possible with mother. Don’t worry, as it won’t affect your emotional bonding with her. You will coordinate well with your relatives and loved ones. This stability in bonds will bring profits for you.
Health Life
Health of Lions will remain excellent in 2016. Your mentality and thoughts might get affected after January 31. However, you need not to worry about anything. Weight seems going up, stay away from butter, Ghee (purified butter), and sweets. You love your health and you should; hence, keep these suggestions in mind and make them an essential part of your life.
Financial Life
Time to celebrate Lions, as financial life looks wonderful in 2016. There will be less hurdles in your endeavors. Enjoy your life the way it is and don’t bring any change in it. Your continuous hard work and spontaneous passion will keep your income regular. You will witness more money coming to you and funds increasing, after August 11.
Professional Life
This year will come with goodness for those who are into jobs. No matter which job you are into, you will get appreciation, support of seniors and every luxury that you were yearning for since long. Your endeavors will accomplish before deadline. You might get blessed with any other job too and let us tell you, it will give you more money than what you are getting now. Profits and rewards will double up for those who are going through Mahadasha of Jupiter.
Business Life
Aim behind every business is the desire to earn more and more money. This year will fulfill your wish, as you will make immense wealth. Benefits will reach you, as per your Kundali (birth chart). These benefits will increase after August. However, natives related to business of real estate will not enjoy that great results. But, they can expect profits from share, after August 11.
Love Life
Love life will go great for Lions throughout this year. Romance and passion will keep the flame of intimacy strong between you two. Love birds might take their relation to the next level and make the final commitment by tieing the knot with their beloved. Peace, love, harmony, and intellect will be seen in your love life. Expect growth in your level of love and romance after August 11.
Sex Life
Lions are always excited for sexual activities. You will enjoy this pleasure throughout this year. Not only will you feel energetic, but you will get extreme support from your spouse as well. You will enjoy harmony with your sweetheart. Intimacy and pleasure will increase further after August 11. All these favorable things will keep your sex life passionate and pleasurable.
Dates you need to be careful on
When Moon is in Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, don’t go on any journey. Keep your mind in control and don’t take major decisions. From January 26 to February 15, refrain from taking financial and personal decisions. Be very careful when Moon resides in Leo, Aquarius, and Pisces. Avoid online shopping from March 28 till April 12. Don’t spend money on expensive things during this time period. Share market is something you need to stay away from this year.
If you are going through Mahadasha of Saturn, offer Chola (sacred cloth) to Lord Hanuman for 5 Tuesdays. Perform all the rituals and do charity with all you can. Nothing much is needed to be done, if going through Mahadasha of Jupiter. For those suffering from Rahu or Ketu’s Mahadasha, chant Devi Kavach thrice a day. Last but not the least, recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly, if going through Dasha or Antardasha of any other planet.
With the beginning of New Year, Saturn will move into Scorpio and Leo will be visited by Jupiter. After being in their own signs till January 31, Rahu and Ketu will come out and shift into Leo and Aquarius, respectively. These planetary changes will bring changes in your life too. Do you want to know how much good or bad these changes would be? Bhaiyaji tells which remedies to look for in every trouble? Which dates should be discarded for taking important decisions? Read these horoscope predictions and carve a successful future throughout 2016.
Family Life
We bring you Virgo horoscope 2016 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. To begin with predictions of your family life, it looks like you will not share sweet relation with your spouse. Separation for some time is possible; however, this duration might elongate as well. Possible reasons behind this will be ideological differences between you two or professional life. Resolving things on time will be good; else minor issues might result into major troubles. While you will not enjoy bliss with your spouse, relation with parents will remain wonderful. However, difference of thoughts is possible here too. Talking about bonding with siblings, things look unfavorable. Same is predicted for your chemistry with your maternal uncle. Time will change and things will come in your kitty, after August 11.
Health Life
Health seems to be an area of concern till August 11. Along with physical trouble, mental stress is also possible. Throat, face, digestive system and intestines might create some issues. Eating healthy diet and practicing Yoga regularly are the ways to avoid such complications. Gastritis might hit some of you. Any old disease might also show up again this year.
Financial Life
Financial loss is clearly foreseen for you; however, fortunate Virgos might escape it. Jupiter, one of the planets associated with significators of wealth, is posited in your twelfth house. This positioning might cause financial loss to some of you. Your cards witness someone betraying you for money. A piece of advice for all Virgos is to be very careful regarding funds and related matters. Make sure to analyze your own activities very closely and bond only with trustworthy and genuine people. This person who is expected to cheat you seems to be someone you trust a lot, someone who is quite older to you. Use your brain and try to figure out who he/she could be.
Professional Life
Tenth house of Virgos is not aspected by any planet, which is quite good. Those related with media are expected to enjoy major profits this year. Progress at workfront looks satisfactory. You performance will increase tremendously after August. As a result, you can surely expect name and fame blossoming in your professional life. Immense support will come from seniors and boss. All this will not only ease your work, but will also bring success.
Business Life
Like service class people, success will knock your doors also, but after August 11. Calmness in attitude and distance from major investment is needed, if you are under the influence of Jupiter or Saturn. Try to look for ways that will help you in accumulating money. You just need to take a step toward this and luck will itself enlighten you about the same. Matters of partnerships should be shifted till August end.
Love Life
The only aspect of your life that looks shining throughout 2016 is your love life. Whether you are male or female, if you want to get into a relationship with someone, this is your year. On the other hand, Virgos who are already smitten by someone’s love will also experience inner pleasure and contentment. However, till August, don’t commit the mistake of bringing doubts in your relationship. Such things will only lead to problems and distance between you two.
Sex Life
2016 will prove great for your sex life. However, you might face some issues in sexual organs sometimes and might also feel a bit weak. If we sum up possibilities for this year, you are going to enjoy quiet intimate moments with you partner. You might also get interested in chilling out and this will bless you with utmost pleasure. Stay away from illegal affairs as much as possible, after August.
Dates you need to be cautious on
From February 16 till March 12, keep your finances secure and let useless expenses take a back seat. Major investments and important decisions need to be avoided in this very time frame. When Moon is posited in Leo, Aquarius or Aries, be very calm mentally and postpone every journey.
Virgos going through Sun’s Mahadasha or Antardasha, need to chant Aditya Hridaya Stotra. Besides this, regular offering of water to Lord Sun will do wonders for your fortune. If suffering from Mahadasha of Venus, chant Kanakdhara Stotra. Lastly, for Virgos affected by Jupiter’s Mahadasha, doing charity, as per your ability will fetch positivity for you. Observing fast on Thursday will take away all the odd things from your life.
Saturn will move into Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. After residing in their own signs till January 31, Rahu will travel in Leo and Ketu will go in Aquarius. Having a pre-knowledge of possible events for your sign and knowing the most auspicious as well as inauspicious dates is the first thing to have. Get to know them and a lot more here with these astrological calculations made for every aspect for you by Bhaiyaji. Along with what your destiny has in store for you, helpful remedies will also guide you.
Family Life
We bring you Libra horoscope 2016 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. Saturn is Yogakaraka definitely, but it will also give its own effects. Separation from family is possible. Harmony and cordial connection might lack among family members. Trust issues can create differences among all. Tiffs are possible with spouse, but you will surely enjoy affectionate bond with your mother. Things will go pleasant with father and you will share great tuning with him. Your mother’s interference is likely to increase in your personal life, which does not sounds good. This will continue throughout the year. Continuous arguments are possible with your child. You might get reasons to worry, as health of your child looks getting affected.
Health Life
Trouble in eyes, headache, pain in joints, etc. might take away your peace. Exercising regularly can help you in staying away from these and many more ailments. Other alternative that will do wonders for you is massage therapy. Take good care of your legs and feets. Nothing major will disturb you this year; still, taking care of it won’t be a bad idea.
Financial Life
Presence of Saturn in second house and positing of Jupiter (Karaka of wealth) on the axis of Rahu-Ketu is signalling any loss. Investment in wrong ventures, wrong decisions, etc. might be the reason behind such disappointments. Your habit of acting without thinking and not trusting others are some of the additional reasons. Ego and overconfidence might also take you down, if you keep on acting the same. Everything lies in your hands. Prioritize things accordingly and differentiate between what is important and what is not.
Professional Life
Jupiter, lord of sixth house, is trapped between Rahu-Ketu and aspected by Saturn. Good thing is that it is posited in eleventh house, which will save you from facing extreme loss. The wide distance between Jupiter and Rahu will keep you in a state of ‘happy go lucky’ till these two planets get near again. Support will come from seniors as well as colleagues. What else to expect when each and every one is ready to lend you their shoulder and support. Fortunate Librans will get a call from new job or their salary will increase. Don’t get carried away in the charm of so much goodness and be cautious after August 11. Behave well with one and all at work front to let positivity continue.
Business Life
Whether it is anything related to lending or borrowing money or any major decision, discussing about it with experienced people is a must for you. Decisions taken out of excitement and hurry will go wrong plus they will lead to financial losses too. 2016 needs to be spent very cautiously and away from borrowing any sort of funds. Friends and others might cheat you; hence, be very sure about your every step. Librans going through Mahadasha of Jupiter might have to face unexpected loss or expenses after August 11.
Love Life
Your yearly predictions book is missing the chapter of love Librans. Yes, it is true, as love and romance are not your cup of tea this year. Singles will remain single and committed ones will find difficulty in keep the warmth and affection alive. Doubts and lack of trust on each other are possible from both sides. Mutual understanding and interest are a must to save your relation and take it further.
Sex Life
2016 will keep you satisfied regarding your sexual life. However, excess of anything is bad; hence, don’t get addicted to it. Want to know why? For the sake of your own health, it is important to keep a balance in your sex life. Intimacy in conjugal life will grow more and more after August. Prior to this, troubles or allegations might hit you. Control your hormones and refrain from making unwanted physical contact with someone.
Dates you need to be cautious on
Librans, freeze your decisions when Moon shifts in Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus. Besides this, refrain from beginning any new endeavors when Jupiter or Saturn are retrograde or combust and you are experiencing their Dasha, Antardasha or Pratyantar Dasha. Duration between April 17 to July 13 is the one when risk of any kind should not be taken.
Wear Manikya and improve your stars, if Sun is not governing anything major related to houses 6, 8 and 12 in your horoscope and is associated with positive endeavors related to houses 1, 2 and 11. On the other hand, wear pearl, if any such thing is there in your horoscope related to Moon. Let malefic effects of Saturn’s Mahadasha relax and not bother you by visiting Hanuman temple on every Tuesday. Reduce the problems to further great extent by chanting Hanuman Chalisa.
Saturn will move into Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. After residing in their own signs till January 31, Rahu will travel in Leo and Ketu will go in Aquarius. Having a pre-knowledge of possible events for your sign and knowing the most significant dates are a must to carve a beautiful life. Get to know them and a lot more with these astrological calculations made for every aspect for you. Along with what your destiny has in store for you, helpful remedies will also guide you.
Family Life
We bring you Scorpio horoscope 2015 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. Siblings and well wishers are going to bring profits for you. Your tuning with them will improve to a great extent. Continuous ups & downs seem coming your way. You can expect a sigh of relief after August, but prior to it, be very careful. Equation with your mother will not be that good and one thing or the other will always cause tension between you two. But, things look exactly opposite between you and your father. Immense support will come from his side. Happiness is assured for children, but their stubborn behavior might give you major troubles at times. Conjugal life will bestow you with everything you want. Make serious efforts to keep harmony alive between you two.
Health Life
Physical ailments are not foreseen for you this year. However, your daily routine might get affected by laziness. Feeling of fatigue will provoke you to shift tasks for later. Your attitude will reflect irritability, try to overcome it by being humble. Health cards witness trouble in stomach and heart. Tibia area of your leg might also give you some reasons to worry.
Financial Life
Jupiter is your lord of second house, i.e. house of wealth. This year, it will remain with Rahu for quite long. Generally, Rahu leads to losses and unrealistic things. Keeping your finances safe and secure is the first step you need to take for the protection of your funds. August 11 will witness Jupiter surpassing Rahu. Invest money anywhere you want after this date, as profits will shower on you. Try to yield maximum benefits from shares as well. Infinite profits will enter your life, if there is Antardasha or Pratyantar Dasha of Jupiter. Time is extremely fortunate after August.
Professional Life
Setbacks are possible in your professional life, as Rahu will reside in your tenth house. Along with this, its conjunction with Jupiter will also be the reason behind this situation. Your stubborn attitude and egoistic behavior will affect your workfront for all the wrong reasons. Keep your temper under control and remain as calm as you can till August; else, get ready to greet the consequences. Conflict with any senior is very much visible on your future cards. Look for the ways to avoid getting into such situation.
Business Life
The time when you should expect high salary has come. Illegal source will double up your wealth; thereby, raising your account balance. Small scale business will bring rewards for you and you should focus on them. Luck is surely ready to support you this year. Friends and admirers will prove as weapons that will accomplish your important endeavors. Along with so much goodness, this fabulous year will also bring its share of low times. You will face arguments with your business partners or they might betray you. All you can do is being a bit more careful.
Love Life
Love life will keep you happy, but after August. Before this period, your mutual understanding and intellect are the tools to keep your love life on the right path. Don’t let misunderstandings. A phase will come when conversation between you and your sweetheart might disappear. This is the time when instead of sitting idle and waiting for any miracle to bring you both back, serious efforts will be needed from you. Try once, try twice, if needed twice thrice to settle all the differences with your beloved. Charm will come back and you will feel closer after August, as every problem will vanish after it.
Sex Life
Sex life looks pretty good for Scorpions. Throughout this year, you will enjoy this aspect of your life. Your relation will go great and you will get benefits from it. Married Scorpions will enjoy extreme intimacy with their spouse. Physical bonding between you two will develop really well. Unnatural tendencies might attract you this year.
Dates you need to be cautious on
Everytime Moon is in Gemini, avoid travelling. Important decisions need to be postponed when Moon occupies Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Huge investments, purchase of new things, new deals or agreements and major decisions should be strictly avoided from January 9 to January 20, March 7 to April 6, May 1 to May 17, June 25 to July 20, September 7 to September 19, October 8 to November 29, December 22, 2016 to January 5, 2017.
The best remedy for you is chanting of Hanuman Chalisa. Other thing which will help you is keeping your surroundings clean. Jealousy and feelings of envy need to be avoided. These things bring nothing more than wastage of time and energy.
2016 will begin with Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. After residing in their current signs till January 31, Rahu will move into Leo and Ketu will shift into Aquarius. Take a quick look into the possibilities of 2016, along with some really helpful remedies. Give a reading to these astrological predictions and unveil the dates when caution is required. Let’s begin exploring your fate now.
Family Life
We bring you Sagittarius horoscope 2016 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. Major arguments are possible for you Sagittarians. But, there is nothing to take stress for, as long as you keep your temper in control. Relation with mother will be very blissful and same is predicted for your conjugal life. What to expect more when your mother and spouse are there as your protective shields? However, bond with brother is expected to get bitter. Handle the situation on time or things might turn extremely ugly. Whether it will happen to you or not depends totally on the condition of your birth chart. Losses will increase to a great extent for those under Mahadasha of Ketu. You also need to be cautious and alert, if going through Mahadasha of Saturn too. Things will not remain sweet and cordial with father and some sort of stress will always remain between you two. This stress in your bond will improve and you will restore back your love after August.
Health Life
Borne diseases seem hitting you via blood or contaminated food. Now as you are aware about it, why not look for ways to save yourself from this? Other than this issue, your liver might also face some malfunctioning. No no, no need to feel low, as you can maintain distance from it by being serious toward it. How about staying away from oily and heavy food? Eye problems are possible for some and you might start wearing specs. On the other hand, if you are already someone who wear specs, number of your eyesight might increase. Courage might also decline and you might feel a bit weak.
Financial Life
Saturn, the lord of your second house, is transiting into your twelfth house. You need to be careful and act really smart, if Dasha of Saturn is prevailing over you. Expenses are nothing more than another name of your problems; hence, keep them under control and try to save as much as possible. A close gaze into your birth chart highlights someone betraying you. To prevent this person from getting success in his/her motives, act very careful in financial matters. Be it lending funds or borrowing them, you have to be extremely alert. Same piece of advice is for natives who are under the Mahadasha of Jupiter. Don’t commit the mistake of signing any paper or document, as someone might try to take your signature on a blank paper or anything.
Professional Life
Sagittarians who are into service will have a very rewarding year. Though profits will usher in your life from the beginning of 2016, but their intensity will increase after August. This year will bring progress at workfront, which will ultimately lead to an increase in your income. Auspiciousness of this time period will increase further, as seniors will help you at every support. Your performance will please one and all, bringing immense benefits for your career. However, this all will happen after August. Prior to this month, you have to make sure that your work speaks for you and satisfies your seniors and colleagues. Handle this phase carefully, as it is the key toward eternal success.
Business Life
Sagittarians who own business will not get to enjoy that good results. Financial decisions need to be taken very carefully, else huge losses will come your way. Don’t act in hurry and take enough time to know what is right and what is not. A clear picture of outcome of your actions is a must. Another suggestion for you is to maintain distance from illegal ways to make profits, as it will give you more losses than positive results. Well, we don’t want you to stress yourself, but trying your hands in inappropriate things might take you behind the bars. It’s your hard earned money Sagittarians, don’t let it waste. For every financial matter, transparency is must.
Love Life
Quite an average year for thinking about or getting into love and romance. Though there won’t come any time when you will have to face hard times or major issues. Things will go normal and you will accept them the way they are. If you are in a relationship, no matter what the situation is, don’t let doubts hamper the love you share with your sweetheart. Your cards foresee unfavorable phase till August; hence, tackle this phase carefully. After this month, love will fill your life with colors of affection and warmth.
Sex Life
Sex life will give you intense pleasure and satisfaction. You will enjoy great intimacy with your spouse, which will bring you both more closer. Desire to have sexual joy will rise greatly, which might lead to birth of illegal affairs. Well, this is not something appreciable; hence, avoid getting attracted toward it. Some of you might develop physical contact with someone other than your partner.
Dates you need to be cautious on
It would be really great for you Sagittarians if you avoid losing your calm when Moon moves into Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Important decisions also need to be postponed in this time frame. Even if any argument comes up, avoid getting into it. If you really adore your finances, don’t buy anything new from May 15 to May 20, July 16 to August 15, November 16 to December 17. Investment should also not cross your mind on these dates.
Keep your thoughts pious and clear. Chant Ramcharit Manas as much as you can. Doing this will do wonders for your fate and will unlock doors of success. Keeping Ram Raksha Stotra with yourself will also fetch good luck. Every time you are in trouble or any difficulty, just chant it and experience relief.
2016 is all set to begin with Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. After residing in their own signs till January 31, Rahu will move into Leo while Aquarius will shift into Aquarius. Here, we will discuss your fate for 2016 by throwing a light on every aspect of life. Also, we will tell you about the important dates which you need to consider while taking major decisions and making any financial move. What else you can expect here? Well, the essential remedies that will cut all the flaws and fix all the issues. Let’s begin your readings for 2016.
Family Life
We bring you Capricorn horoscope 2015 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. Family life doesn’t looks promising this year. Differences with family members will always be there. Useless tiffs will spoil atmosphere of your family. Though you will share normal connection with parents, conflicts with siblings might pop up. Mental stress is possible in married life as well. Want to know the reason behind this serious tiff with your partner? It is your own attitude and behavior. You have to have control on your temper and words for the sake of your blissful conjugal life.
Health Life
Health complications possible to your sign this year are mental stress, indigestion, severe headache, eye troubles, kidney and liver disorders. Fatigue might also attack you. Try to keep yourself mentally relaxed and increase quantity of water in your daily regime. Going on a walk for few minutes will bring immense benefits. Turn your diet healthy by adding green vegetables in it.
Financial Life
Losses are definite if either Rahu or Ketu is posited in second house. While some of you might face major loss, others will have less of it. Possible reasons behind this financial issue will be your unnecessary expenses. Try to spend money wisely; don’t let your hard earned money go waste. Friends might also cheat on financial ground or illegal strategies of someone might also lead to this. These troubles are foreseen for those who are under the Dasha of Ketu and Ketu is controller of deeds associated with malefic houses. On the other hand, for natives going through Saturn’s Dasha, infinite benefits are on the card and financial situation will strengthen.
Professional Life
You are going to have the best time of your life, as your job will bestow you with extreme respect. If you have been trying for a new and better job, expect this wish coming true this year. 2016 will fulfil your every desire related to job. However, a bit troubles are possible if dealing with Dasha or Antardasha of Rahu or Jupiter. But, fortunate results will knock your doors if Mahadasha of Saturn or other planets is prevailing on you.
Business Life
Profits and that too quite good are foreseen for you. Be careful if suffering from Dasha of Ketu, Jupiter or Rahu and these planets are not governing your houses of good deeds. Despite this planetary condition, profits are assured for you this year. Want to know what profits we are referring to? Well, you might associate yourself with new partners. Your business might also expand to a great extent. Government deals or agreements will double up your benefits. Not only this, but you might also get some new investors. Prepare yourself to turn this year into your one of the best years.
Love Life
Love and romance don’t excite you and thus, there always remains a distance between you and romance. However, if you are dating someone, you can for sure expect positive results. Most of you will turn romantic and will get to meet the person of your interest. Instead of withdrawing yourself from others (like people affected by Saturn), try to indulge with more and more people. There’s no harm in socializing after all.
Sex Life
Sexual relation will increase tremendously this year. Unnatural sexual pleasures will attract you more. Not only you will indulge in sexual things, but your talk will also reflect the same. You might look for more of it in your conjugal life too and will get success too. However, allegations are also possible against you. Keep your behavior right, as anything done illegal will take you in trouble.
Dates you need to be cautious on
Avoid going on journeys when Moon is in Leo. On other hand, refrain from major decisions when Moon is in Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. From January 9 to January 20, March 7 to April 6, May 1 to May 17, June 25 to July 20, 7 to 19 September, October 8 to November 21, December 22 to January 4, 2016, let major decisions, investments, purchases, and deals takes a back seat.
Remedies for you are chanting Hanuman Chalisa, Shani Stotra and making charity in Hanuman temple on Tuesday. Besides this, also chant Argala Stotra to increase auspiciousness.
2016 is all set to begin with Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. Here, we will discuss your fate for 2016 by throwing a light on every aspect of life. Also, we will tell you about the important dates which you need to consider while taking major decisions and making any financial move. What else you can expect here? Well, the essential remedies that will cut all the flaws and fix all the issues. Let’s begin your readings for 2016.
Family Life
We bring you Libra horoscope 2015 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. For you Aquarians, family life looks normal. Unconditional support from family members will help you in most part of the year. You will feel mental peace. Though Rahu will dominate seventh house, but transit of Jupiter here till August will keep your married life stable. You will enjoy conjugal bliss, but differences might crop up after August. Talking about your connection with parents, cordial bond will remain between you and them. Quality time spent together will keep you all close to each other. Other than with your parents, things look wonderful with relatives too.
Health Life
Health looks good for you throughout 2016. However, you might have to deal with disorder in genitals or brain. Headache, indigestion and pain in eyes might attack you. To remain disease free and healthy, increase intake of water. Nothing will help you more than quitting alcohol and smoking. Aquarians have a strong liking for addiction, which we suggest to have control on. Yes, you need to stop it as early as possible for the sake of your longevity.
Financial Life
Financial life will remain good this year as long as you keep a control on your kindness. Yes, you heard it right. It is good to help others, but compromising with your financial security to help others is also not a good thing. Making money is difficult, but wasting it is very easy. Make sure not to let your money go useless. Be very careful till August and don’t lend money to anybody. Strong chances of profits from friends are visible on your future cards. 2016 is the year when money will come, but how long it will stick is uncertain. Hence, be careful with your decisions.
Professional Life
For Aquarians going through Saturn’s Dasha, coming 4-5 years are going to be excellent. On the other hand, natives going through Dasha of Jupiter will face some troubles, but progress will come in their life too. Major problems are possible for those who are going through Ketu’s Dasha. Generally, this year is very fortunate for almost every aspect related to your job. Promotion will come your way and hike in salary will complete everything.
Business Life
2016 is lucky for you. Luck will support those more who are under the effect of Saturn’s Dasha. However, not a great year if going through Ketu’s Dasha. But, you don’t need to worry, as money will come continuously and you will cherish it. To keep differences away, you have to keep your relation and bond clear and strong with your business partners. You might face some issues after August. It would be good to resolve them calmly and with maturity.
Love Life
Love life will remain normal. Your busy schedule will keep you busy; hence, you won’t get much time for love and all. If you are in a relationship already, things will remain they are. On the other hand, if you have feelings for someone and haven’t expressed, go for it this year. You will get to hear a yes, most probably. Keep transparency in your relationship with your spouse. Any sort of carelessness will lead to major consequences. Your relation might end too.
Sex Life
Pleasures will bestow your sexual life. Sexual desires will remain more and more. Intimacy will increase with your spouse if married and with your sweetheart if dating someone. However, don’t get used to it. Health might get affected if you don’t gain control over it.
Dates you need to be cautious on
Investments should be avoided from April 30 to July 13 and September 12 to October 10. For those suffering from Jupiter’s Mahadasha, nothing new should be initiated from January 8 to May 9. Also, don’t lend money to anybody in this span. Keep your mind calm and don’t get into tiffs if Moon is in Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.
Chant Hanuman Chalisa if Saturn is your ascendant. Another remedy that can help you is regular chanting of Ramcharit Manas. Regularly chanting Devi Kavach to please Maa Durga will you with enormous fortune.
Saturn will move into Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. After residing in their own signs till January 31, Rahu will travel in Leo and Ketu will go in Aquarius. Having a pre-knowledge of possible events for your sign and knowing the most auspicious as well as inauspicious dates is the first thing to have. Get to know them and a lot more here with these astrological calculations made for every aspect for you. Along with what your destiny has in store for you, helpful remedies will also guide you.
Family Life
We bring you Pisces horoscope 2016 so that you can know your fortune in 2016. Till August, family life might remain a bit troublesome. All your efforts to keep harmony and coordination alive will go in vain. As a result, tiffs will pop up. Married life will go on the path of betterment after August. You will not share good chemistry with your father; however, things look promising with mother. It would be good if you listen to others carefully and don’t impose yourself forcefully on them. Forcing others might help you now, but it will create problems later.
Health Life
Pisceans need to be careful till August. Major health issues are possible to the natives going through Mahadasha of Jupiter. Issues are possible in intestines, liver, kidney and blood. Take very good care of your eating habits and keep your diet restricted. Make sure you start exercising as much as possible, else your health will definitely get affected.
Financial Life
2016 looks normal for your financial life. You will stay away from useless expenses. Money will stick with you without any hurdle. However, you have to be careful till August, as betrayals are possible. Your future cards witness you shopping for new things as well as getting success in saving money.
Professional Life
Some problems are possible initially, but things will fall in harmony later. 2016 will give you many opportunities for achieving success and going toward success. You are expected to get new job this year; however, don’t leave the present job till you get other. In case you resign from the current job without having another in hand, you will have to wait for long to get a call from any other organization.
Business Life
Pisceans who are into business will enjoy great profits after August. You might establish connections with new business partners. Working with them will take your business forward and on a progressive path. Though this year is beneficial for you; still, don’t trust anybody blindly till August. Natives going through Dasha of Saturn will cherish fabulous profits.
Love Life
Love life for you looks normal. Pisceans who have feelings for someone and are yearning to open their heart, need to wait to for sometime. Till the middle of August month, don’t reveal your emotions to that particular person. It is strongly possible that you might lose interest in this very person; hence, don’t rush into it. Why hurt someone later? Troubles are possible due to differences or misunderstandings as well.
Sex Life
This aspect, i.e. sexual life, will not remain that satisfying this year. Mental stress will keep you busy, which will decrease your interest in sexual activities. Not only mental, but physical weakness will also disturb you. You will feel detached from this feeling and hence, sexual life will not go that pleasant in 2016.
Dates you need to be cautious on
From March 25 to August 13, make sure you stay away from taking major decisions, making investments and setting up partnerships. Journeys should be avoided when Moon resides in Libra. Other than these dates and planetary conditions, you need to be careful when Moon is in Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These are the phases when being calm and optimistic will help you reap huge benefits and get close to success.
To fetch goodness, you should observe fast on Thursday. Offering yellow grains to cow will also bring prosperity in every sphere of your life. Other than these two remedies, you can also donate yellow cloth to any priest/Brahmin or needy. Follow these suggestions and overcome all the troubles and miseries of your life.
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