Why do Kids Lie? Even Some Elders Lie A Lot , Why ? In fact most times it all starts from home . What kind of problems arise in the adulthood due to the habit of telling lies in the childhood?
 Bhaiyaji tells us , how to cure this problem ,(  which creates lot of misunderstandings in ones life throughout life ) , with  Jyotish (Indian/Vedic Astrology) Remedies or Upaayas.
There are basically the following ways in which a person speaks lies:———

  • To Attract Attention
  • Satisfaction Of Ego
  • Out Of Fear
  • Just As A Habit
  • Not being able to say the things at the right time, your “Silence” in this case, Unfortunately, Falsely proves you “a Lier”

Bhaiyaji says, in our birth chart , because of the bad combination or yog of Bad Moon and Mercury, the Person Tells Lies just to Attract Attention. These individuals tell imaginary stories. They are unable to do anything much in life or develop their talents well, so they live in an imaginary world and say imaginary/untrue things.

Some people because of Bad Moon And Budh , Ketu , where Lies is not needed , Person forms a Habit , of Speaking Lies , Though Friends / Relatives Understand , Ultimately , Person Gets BAD NAME.

  1. Because of Bad Mercury and Ketu, and Weak “Mukhya Graha”, the person has a Very Low Self Confidence. He remains Timid and Scared most of the times. Since he or she is too emotional and not very bold to face the circumstances, so he or she tells lies out of fear.
  2. Bad Mercury and Ketu, result in the fact that you’re unable to speak the right thing at the  right time due to some reason, and are generally, regarded as lier.

Repercussions/Effects of this bad habit of telling lies in future life :

  1. If somehow Weak Jupiter is involved, then Surely, there will be Problems In Marriage.
  2. If the problem is due to Rahu or / and  Mars (Mangal), then these kind of people are never able to achieve much in life finally , they’re neither able to develop their talents and Just End Up Criticizing Others. These kind of people Deceive And Get Caught Also.
  3. Problem because of Moon and Ketu results in less confidence, psychological and emotional disorders.

Bhaiyaji Gives Us General Remedies: (For specific , please refer a good astrologer)

  • Parents should try to be friendly towards these kind of children, so that trust develops and the child doesn’t fear.
  • The punishment in this case, should not be of beating or rebuking the child, but stern and emotional.
  • Wear Sarpok root ,   (can be got from our  Delhi office),  in  neck or touching body .
  • Wearing Rudraaksh ( esp. a particular combo of mukhis acc. to ones chart ) , develops self confidence, boldness. Hence , the problem of telling lies goes away slowly.
  • Read holy book, “Geeta’s” ELEVENTH Chapter. This develops talent and boldness to face the world without telling lies.
  • Try and be in Sanidhye (Aura ) of Guru , if you have . Very Important .
  • Pray your Isht and make your Mukya Graha Strong , Very Important  .
  • Wear Silver Challa in Thumb on Monday before 6 am .
  • Wear Chiti 7 to 8 ratis in silver pendent , any day .
  • Wear small Gomed + Lesunia + Sfatik , together in pendent form in copper or silver . Vani and Bhagya ko bal milega , hence habit of lying will lessen . some peculiar waves generate in person who speaks unnecessary subconscious    lies , this will help controlling  the same . Please note , please consult an astrologer before wearing any stones.
  • Khirni ( can be got from our Delhi office) , tie in white cloth along with three copper coins ,it will help stopping unnecessary lies in child and elders .
  • Gaaye / Cow , Guru  Aur Mandir / Temple , kay Sanidhya / Sharan  mein rahein , Achuk upaye hai   We hope you all will be benefited , and make your life easy and simple , gain name in society .


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